Please Join Us For Sunday School!

Sunday school
  • Pre-K (3 y/o) – Introduces basic Bible stories in a fun way that allows for arts, crafts, and games
  • Pre-K (4 y/o & Kindergarten) –Gives children the opportunity to continue their basic introduction to Bible stories and articulate their own ideas.
  • 1st and 2nd grade –Focuses on continuing their faith formation while incorporating fun activities
  • 3rd and 4th grade – Builds confidence in young students with the use of Bible stories as they grow in faith.
  • 5th and 6th grades –Invites students to begin to connect Bible stories to their everyday lives
  • 7th and 8th grade –Provides the opportunity to build a relationship with the Pastor as they begin confirmation. This class is a more rigorous approach as the class prepares to be adult members of the congregation.
  • 9th thru 12th grade –Prepares High School students to deepen their ties to one another and the Church as they prepare to go out into the world as effective disciples.
  • Adult Sunday School –The Kairos allows members of the congregation to discuss the lessons for the day with the Deacon.